Living the Legacy.

Here I am again. It's kinda late. I don't know what I'm even going to say. I really don't even know if I'll delete this post or actually put it up. 
But here I am.
Tomorrow is March 24.
And that's what's on my mind. 

Tomorrow makes seven years since my mom died.
But I really don't like saying that. I don't like saying passed away either. 
Instead, I'm going to say what I really think, and that is that tomorrow will make seven years since my mom quit dying on earth, and went to live in Heaven.
Because that's the truth.

For those that aren't familiar with my story, my mom, Cindy, was diagnosed with Breast Cancer when I was 6 years old. She went through many surgeries, many types of treatment, many many doctor appointments, and was so amazingly strong through all of it.
And on March 24, 2008, she was done. 
And Jesus took her.
And sometimes that really just sucks.

It took me a while to realize that it's okay to miss her and want her here. I tried for a long time to not want that, to be grateful for who I have now and to push those feelings aside. And I realized not too long ago that it is okay for me to want her and to miss her.
So I'm working on that.

I miss her so much. I miss her beautiful smile. It was really pretty. I miss her trying new Food Network recipes, even if I did hate eating salmon which she loved and cooked twice a week. (Note: I now love salmon and cook it regularly). I miss hugs and "love you"s. 

One of the things I miss the most was her amazing Christian example. 
You want an example of someone who trusted in God's plan? 
Cindy Tyler.
I recently found a notebook that was half full of verses. Just verses she wrote down, dealing with different topics she was struggling with or concerned about. I loved reading through it. 
My faith wouldn't be nearly as strong as it is now without her. 
She is a constant reminder of who I want to be. I mean, of course Jesus is my main example but you get my point.

I wish I had been able to spend more time with her. I was only 10. But I know a lot of her lives on in me. I know that she loved cooking, and baking. Two of my favorite things. I know she loved children and always enjoyed teaching children's church, and working in the nursery. I love children. I know she would be so excited about the work I'm doing at East Florence Mission. Really. All the time, I think of how much she would love that. 

It hasn't been easy, but it's been seven years. And it's been a strange thing to see God do cool things in me the past seven years. He has allowed me to make friendships and do things that wouldn't have necessarily happened if anything had happened differently.
And you know what.. He has a plan. A perfect perfect plan. 

Tomorrow will be like every other day for almost everyone. But maybe after you read this you'll go hug your daughter or your mom or if you're a cool college kid maybe you'll call her and tell her you love her.
Do it for me. Do it for my mom. 

She was so much than just a lady who died from Breast Cancer.
And I guess that's just really all I wanted to say tonight.

I am so proud to be her daughter.

My dad is incredible and my brother is awesome and my family is wonderful and my friends are amazing and my youth group is family as well. 

Not my purpose but your plans God. 

Happy living eternally day, Mama. 


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