Senior Homecoming 2014

What an absolutely crazy busy week. Every year homecoming week is fun, exciting, and hectic. And it goes by soooo fast. This year was no different. But, since it is Senior year, homecoming is a little bit more fun. At West we have a pretty big homecoming "court" consisting of senior football players and their "sponsors" or escorts, senior cheerleaders and their escorts, and the top ten girls who were in the running for homecoming queen. Some of these overlap but overall there were (I think) 28 football players, 10 cheerleaders, and then the top ten plus all of their escorts so it was a lot of people! I was a sponsor for a friend who plays football, and I was really excited to get the chance to walk out during the morning assemblies and then on the field at the game Friday night. Also getting to dress up and wear heels and nice dresses was fun too. But it wasn't just Friday, Monday-Thursday were pretty good too. Okay I'm just gonna stop my rambling and put up the pictures. 

Spirit Week Day One- Camo Day with Abbey who cracks me up

Day Two- Tacky Day with my girls

Day Three- Hippies!

The six take on Hippie Day

Unfortunately by Thursday morning I was worn out and didn't get any pictures. But it was green and gold day, and I did wear my green and gold!!

Friday was "Dress to Impress" and we have our two homecoming assemblies in the morning (half the school at one, half the school at the other) and those assemblies are basically presenting all of the homecoming court, talking a little about them, and recognizing their sponsors/escorts. After the assemblies, there is a catered lunch for the homecoming court. Dad was sweet and came to WF to see me and took some of these pictures, and others are from my friend's parents. 

So I was a sponsor for my friend, Austin. It was really fun! I was so glad to be able to do it.

With three of my sweet friends, Anna, Benjamin, and Hailey. They're great.

Sooo much love for this girl. 

Oh my goodness. These 5 girls. They're amazing and because it's all bittersweet homecoming week I'll probably cry if I try and say anything else. But I just want the world to know how much I really do love all five of them. They answer my 20000 daily questions, crack me up 24/7 , and love love love me as me and that is what I need.

Lunch after assemblies.

Sweet Amanda.

So thankful for this friendship that started freshman year. I couldn't have made it this far without Mattie.

Sometimes I just kinda crash photos and smile. 

So that's all for Friday morning. Friday night, the girls on the homecoming court all go out on the field. The football sponsors are kinda like the representatives for the football players since they were obviously with the team during halftime. So all the girls go out, and then they announce the winners for floats, as well as Miss Senior, 1st Runner up for Homecoming Queen, and Homecoming Queen. Unfortunately none of the photos dad took when I was on the field turned out. But I do have this one from before halftime! 

And I have to share this too.. one of my dear sweet friends was in the top ten senior girls who were in the running for Homecoming Queen. While she didn't win that title, she did win Miss Senior, which is sooo awesome. We were SOO excited for our sweet Anna and are so proud of her. She is brilliant and plays tennis and is extremely sweet and she just deserved it. 
This was Hippie Day, but Anna who is MISS SENIOR is on the left. So excited for her!

So after we were all presented during halftime everyone ran to go change out of our nice dresses into either cheerleading uniforms or pink, depending on where they were headed for the second half. The student section's theme this week was a Pink Out for Breast Cancer Awareness which of course is something I believe very strongly in. I was so excited to see how many people came out dressed in pink. And I was more than ready to be in the student section for the second half. Especially since we pulled out with the victory! Our boys played great. 
After the game in our pink with the cheerleaders.

So one more pic… 

So everyone should know that this is our spontaneous hey everyone do this and let's take a picture, picture. It really does represent our friendship I think. We're silly and stupid and sometimes we just don't care. We're seniors, right? 

So that was Senior Year West Florence Homecoming 2014. Can't believe it is actually over. I feel like that's one of the huge things for senior year, and it's kinda a relief to be done but it's also another one of those "lasts". And it's exciting, but bittersweet. I have to say though that even though I love homecoming every year, I think this year was even more special since it was senior year. I was reminded again and again how much I really do love my school and my friends. When I came in freshman year I didn't know if I would make it to that Christmas break, let alone Senior Homecoming. And yet, here I am. And I am so so happy. Coming to West was by far the best decision for me. I've made such incredible friendships with so many people and learned sooo many things. Not just book knowledge either. Street smarts too. I am so proud to be a West Florence student, and I think it really did hit me this week how thankful I am to be where I am. God knew that it was the right place for me and I am so glad He has me where He has me right now. So if you're a parent and reading this and you are wondering if you should one day send your child to a public high school I am telling you to at least seriously consider it. It may not be for everyone, but it has made the world of difference for me. I really do think that going to West has influenced who I am for the better. 
Okay I really need to stop now with this sentimental stuff. I think it's just since it's our last homecoming as students and everything.
I really do love my friends and my school.
Thanks for reading. 


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