September Pics and COLLEGE DECISION

Trying to hit the highlights of the past few weeks and of course no better way to do that than with pictures! A lot has happened.
So first of all, 3 weeks ago FSD1 had our "fall break" pretty much, with an early dismissal day Thursday and no school on Friday. Dad, Austin, and I headed to the beach Thursday and just had a nice one night stay. I loved it. It was awesome. The only picture I have from that is a really nice selfie…

I had a nice lazy day Friday, but then that night we had a home game. It was a Green Out and so we all wore our WF green.

Me and Anna Kooper
Silly pics after the game

Also that weekend I had COLLEGE FRIENDS HOME YAY! I love it when they come home.
Taylor's snapchat. It made me smile so I screenshotted it! 

So of course, Taylor and I had to take our usual after-church pic. 

So that was a fun weekend. The next week was full of school and regular things, which I suppose weren't picture worthy as I don't have any pictures of them! Haha but the next weekend was great. 
It started out on Friday with my USC tour. Dad and I headed up to USC Friday at 9, and made it just in time for our 11 o' clock tour. It really was fun walking around with him, specifically because he spent like 10 ten years in Columbia between college, law school, and working for the judge. He had memories of every place and didn't hesitate to share.. and I loved it. After our guided tour situation, we went over to California Dreaming, and then we drove around Cola for a while. He showed me where he lived for a while, we drove past the capital all that stuff. And then he showed me where his mom, my Grandmama Tyler, lived when she went to USC and where she was living when she met my granddaddy. I love that she went there too. But getting on with my story, after driving around dad took me to TAYLOR and I was able to spend Friday night with her and hang out saturday morning before the game. It was sooo much fun, and I was so glad I got to stay. This was the week of the Missouri game and so game day was on the horseshoe. The only time students can camp out on the horseshoe is when game day comes so needless to say the horseshoe was packed with tents everywhere. It really was awesome. Tay and I headed over there with her roommate, Lizzie, around midnight and stayed for a while. It really did show me how much fun campus is and how great the USC students are. Saturday we were woken up by the USC band playing the drums for game day and so eventually we climbed out of bed and got dressed and headed down to see everybody. It was crazy packed at 11, and from what I heard a lot of people had left by then. I actually saw Austin and two of his friends who had come up from Florence to be in the crowd. After that we went back, ate some lunch, got dressed and headed over to the stadium.  I met up with my dad and Alice and even though we lost, it really was a good time. 
On the horseshoe Friday night. Yet another snap chat. 

Hanging with Tay before the game.

So that's it for my month of September. I'm excited for Ocotber. 
One last VERY IMPORTANT thing to say before I'm done typing this post… Like I said earlier, the day of my USC tour dad drove me around Columbia and one of the things he showed me was where my grandmama lived when she went to USC. I kinda had forgotten she went there honestly. But I'm excited that I'm gonna be able to share that connection with her as of next year. Yes. Share that connection with her. As in, I have decided that I am going to be attending the UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH CAROLINA next year. Application is sent in, so now to wait to December for that acceptance letter. I can't be any more excited to be attending there next year, and become a Carolina student. (dad's pretty excited too.)
Once a gamecock always a gamecock? 

Thanks for reading. October (and USC?) here I come!


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