Happy Mother's Day to All My Moms

It's been an interesting week.
I had my wisdom teeth taken out on Thursday. I expected it to be a lot worse than it was, truthfully.
I am really thankful for an awesome doctor who took my four teeth out and left me in one piece.
I expected to look like a chipmunk.. but believe it or not, the swelling really hasn't been that bad.
So I'm glad.
The only hard part is eating soft foods. A girl can only eat so much mashed potatoes, and ice-cream, and pudding.
I ate some mac-n-cheese tonight, and it was absolutely delicious.
Can I also say thank you to everyone who has visited and brought me yummy treats, and texted me, and prayed for me? I appreciate every one of you. Really.

But that's not the point of this post. The point of this post is that it's Mother's Day tomorrow.
If you read my post from a few weeks ago, Living the Legacy, you know that on Mother's Day I celebrate my mom in heaven.

My mom will always be my mom.
Even though she's not here on Mother's Day, it's still important to me that I thank her for what she did for me and Austin. She sacrificed a lot. She focused on getting better for us.
I don't know if you've ever come across a story where a mother or father knew they were dying and so they wrote notes to their children for special days, graduation, weddings, birthdays, etc.
I remember right after my mom dying, how sad I was because I knew she didn't write those.
But as I've gotten older, I realized why.
She wasn't focused on dying.
She was focused on getting better.
She was determined to see us grow up, and she did that for as long as she could.
And so I am so thankful to her that she did.

I am thankful that she loved to cook. It means that every time I see her handwriting beside a recipe, I know it's a good one.
I am thankful that she loved to work with children. When I remember all her work as a Wednesday night teacher, and Sunday school teacher, it inspires me to keep loving my EFM kids.
I am thankful for her smile, her gorgeous, beautiful smile. No matter how tough life was, she smiled and I knew it would be alright. That smiles reminds me to smile no matter how difficult it gets.
I am thankful for how much she loved Jesus. I am so thankful that I have so many of her notes with verses on them, a journal filled with prayers of hers, and memories of praying together every night.
Mostly, I am thankful for her love.
The love that is stronger than death. The love of an amazing mother to her daughter.

But there's some other people who need some recognition in this Mother's Day post.
My mom will forever be my mom.
And yet, there are probably around 30 other ladies in my life who have in some way, shape, or form acted as my mom in an action or words they said.
To you ladies, thank you.

I'm scared that if I try to name you all, I will leave someone out.
So I won't give names.

But to the ladies who helped when my mom was sick, and brought so many meals so we didn't have to always eat fast food.. thank you.

To the one who took Austin and I to church on Wednesdays faithfully until I could drive.. thank you.

To the ones who let Austin and I come and play at your house, and fed us snacks, and took us back home.. thank you.

To the ones who have sent me encouraging notes over the past few years… thank you. Your words mean so much to me.

To the one who took me to East Florence Mission until I could drive, and continue to pray for my work there.. thank you.

To the one who has ministered to me in youth since I was a 7th grader and loved on me and encouraged me… thank you.

To the ones who picked Austin and I up from school and drove us everywhere and watched us… thank you, you were such a blessing.

To all my friend's mothers who have hugged me and said sweet things to me and loved on me like I was theirs.. thank you.

To all the mother's who let me babysit their kids, thank you for that. Thank you for trusting me, and for saying such sweet things to me.

To my best friends who send me sweet texts, who hug me and play with my hair and remind me that everything is going to be okay.. thank you.

To all the other ladies, relatives and others, who may not realize how much your encouraging words meant to me, or how much I really needed that hug that day.. thank you.

I'd also like to name a few specific people.

To my Grandmama Tyler who doesn't do social media.. thank you. Thank you for instilling in me your love of reading. Thank you for being crafty and teaching me that it doesn't have to be perfect. Thanks for giving me my dad. He's pretty incredible. Also, thanks for your tan skin. I really appreciate it. And your constant love. I appreciate that too. I love you.

To my Alice. You have been incredible to us these past four years. Thank you for everything you do for us, big and small. I am so incredible thankful for you. Thank you for listening, and giving fashion advice, and buying things that you know I'd like, just cause. I am so glad you are in my life. I love you sweet Ali.

To Lia. Thank you for taking a scared seventh grade girl and encouraging her and loving her and teaching her that Jesus is there for every person, no matter their circumstances. Thank you for listening to my problems and giving advice. Thank you for the love you gave me. I am so incredibly grateful to say that I feel like part of your family. I love you, and I miss you.

To my Aunt Julie, thank you for always reminding me that I act like my mom and how much she loved us. Thank you for supporting me and Aus in everything. We are so appreciative. Your hugs and sweet treats mean more than you know. I love you and am so thankful for you as well.

To my Nana, thank you for stepping up and being as much of a mom as you could be to me. Thank you for all the times you cooked meals for us. Thank you for calling, just to talk. Thank you for never forgetting that I don't like nuts on my half of the shared cousin birthday cake. Thank you for loving me and believing in me. I love you and I am so thankful for you.

And finally, one more person. He's not a mother. He's just my daddy. And he has stepped up to the plate and been mother and father and number one supporter and truthfully absolutely incredible. He never ceases to amaze me.

So you see, tomorrow is Mother's Day.
And I celebrate my mom.
And I celebrate all the other ladies who have been such a crucial part of my life.

Every single one of you has helped me to become who I am today.
In some way, shape, or form, every single one of you has become the mother that I wish was here.

So to my mom, to my Nana, to my Aunt Julie, to Alice, to Lia, to my Grandmama, to my best friends, to my best friends' moms, to the ladies who encourage me with their words, to the mother's of the kids I babysit, to my past babysitters, to my youth and sunday school teachers, to the one who got me teaching at EFM, to the ladies on Roseneath back in the day who let us play at your house, to all the ladies who have loved and cared for me…
Thank you. From the bottom of my heart, on this mother's day, I thank you.

I love my mom. She'll always be my mom.
But I also love all my other moms, who God chose to help me since she couldn't.

It's getting late. I have some more medicine to take for my wisdom teeth. So I'm going to go do that.
Goodnight moms.
I hope that I am as amazing and loving as you ALL have been to me.


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