
Showing posts from 2014

I'm Miss WF? Wait but really?

Wow. Well. Where to start? I should probably mention that I have tried to type this post for the last two weeks. For the record, I did type the whole thing with picture. And my computer didn't save it. So it deleted. Okay back to the story. I am officially "Miss West Florence 2014-2015". It's exciting. It was completely unexpected. I went into that pageant with this-will-be-fun-but-I-don't-really-care kind of attitude. And really, it was crazy how it all turned out. I am not a fan of people who brag, and so I don't want you to think that I'm trying to brag. I do want to share about this whole experience, because it is AMAZING to me how God worked and I still can't believe it. Let's start from the beginning! Miss West Florence is the annual pageant at West Florence (I know, I know, you never would've guessed that right?) Each club and team chooses a girl to represent them in the pageant and as President of Tennis Club, I was chosen (basic...

Dad, Jess, and Christmas at EFM

I have so much on my mind these days. It's taking a lot for me to remind myself to take a breath and slow down. I really could use some more sleep too, now that I'm thinking about it. We are well into THAT time of the year. I love Christmas. Like an incredible amount. My mother was very into it, and I definitely inherited her love of decorating the house as soon as dad will allow it. But with these fun times comes the craziness, the business, the rush. And so I am trying so hard to make myself slow down and just enjoy it this year. Now that I've said that, let me blog on random things that make me happy. #1. Last Saturday was a birthday for a pretty special guy in my life. Dad! He turned 52. I could probably write 12 pages on how much I love and appreciate him, but it wouldn't be enough. He is my dear dear padre and I am incredibly thankful for everything he does for me. Seriously. Who else lets their daughter take their iPhone for two days when hers wasn't workin...


I want this post to mainly be about Mr. West Florence, and it will be. But first I need to mention something pretty important. I came home from the fall retreat on Sunday. And dad was there with an envelope. But not just any envelope. THE envelope. As in. Yes. This girl is OFFICIALLY attending the University of South Carolina next year.  Okay so back to the reason for this post. MR. WEST FLORENCE 2014. It's over so now I blog about it without having to worry.  Basically, Mr. WF is a pageant (aka contest as Coach Nelson likes it to be called) for boys. And every team and club at WF chooses a boy to represent them, from the golf team to the cheerleading squad to the Spanish club. We had 34 contestants this year, our largest number ever. I should also mention that this has been going on for a very long time. Like the 80's. It is a huge tradition at West, and one that everyone looks forward to. It's hilarious and fun. And while the boys say they don't take it se...

P3 Fall Retreat- Senior Year.

This time of year is so busy for me. I am just now getting around to blogging most of my November. It's almost over. But it has been such a fun month! Let me get started with pictures from our fall retreat.  This year P3 (First Pres youth group) headed up to Ridgehaven Conference Centers which is near Brevard, NC. It's in the mountains and it is absolutely beautiful. And it was C-O-L-D. Friday was spent driving. Saturday we heard from Taiter in the morning, went and visited downtown Brevard in the afternoon, and heard from Brock in the evening. They both did a great job! Sunday we headed home, and then some of us left and drove to Raleigh for the Lecrae concert. It was a really busy, really fun weekend! The four high school girls.  Love love this one. She makes me smile. Sweet time with all these girls! Selfies on Tait's phone because we knew it would make her happy. Did I mention that Jesslyn came as a leader? Cousin love. Taiter with t...

Reality Check times 2

Why is it that I get the most motivated to type a post when I have homework to do? I've always been a procrastinator but for some reason I just really want to type when I know I need to be doing pre-cal or tech work. Oh well. I just wanted to share some things that have been on my mind lately.  Two things that caused me to have a major reality check today. I mean major. Earlier today I was sitting outside of starbucks doing my tech work for my English 101 class. If you're unfamiliar with Dual Credit, basically I take college classes while still in high school, through FDTC and get college credit and high school credit. It's super helpful, and right now I'm taking English. So like I said, I am sitting outside of starbucks drinking my four dollar coffee, typing on my Mac, playing with my iPhone (more procrastinating), and wearing the, what I feel like at least, is the typical white girl outfit of a tshirt and leggings. I'm not complaining, I wear this outfit ALL T...

Charlotte, GBR 2014, and EFM

It's 9:12 in the morning, and instead of being in pre-cal learning things that I don't want to learn, I am sitting at home in my leggings and tshirt drinking KK coffee. Why? Because today is midterm exam day, and at West if you are a senior and have an A average in the class you can exempt your midterm. After studying my tail off for the last week, doing two projects, and a lot of hoping and praying, I ended up yesterday having a 93 average which is what you have to have (or higher) to exempt. AND I AM SO THANKFUL. I have never hated school by any means, but math and I haven't ever gotten along and I have really struggled with this class this year. But it's okay because I don't have to take the exam… and I didn't have to go to school today. Still doing my happy excited dancing situation. But I wanted to share about my awesome weekend. Seriously, one of the best one's I have had in a lonnngg time. To start, FSD1 didn't have school Friday, teacher workda...