Dad, Jess, and Christmas at EFM
I have so much on my mind these days. It's taking a lot for me to remind myself to take a breath and slow down. I really could use some more sleep too, now that I'm thinking about it. We are well into THAT time of the year. I love Christmas. Like an incredible amount. My mother was very into it, and I definitely inherited her love of decorating the house as soon as dad will allow it. But with these fun times comes the craziness, the business, the rush. And so I am trying so hard to make myself slow down and just enjoy it this year. Now that I've said that, let me blog on random things that make me happy.
#1. Last Saturday was a birthday for a pretty special guy in my life. Dad! He turned 52. I could probably write 12 pages on how much I love and appreciate him, but it wouldn't be enough. He is my dear dear padre and I am incredibly thankful for everything he does for me. Seriously. Who else lets their daughter take their iPhone for two days when hers wasn't working so she could get everything organized for Mr. West Florence? My dad did. Who else has managed to make every Christmas, birthday, holiday special? Dad. Who works their tail off so me and Austin can live a pretty amazing life? That would be my pops. As we like to tell him, he is often the Judge and the Jury (we use a lot of court references in our home) which means that he is the only one, the good cop and bad cop. I know it hasn't been easy raising me and Austin by himself (with lots of help from others), but he has done a pretty good job if I say so myself. I've had lots of people ask me what he is going to do without me next year, and that's a good question. But the real question popping in my head is what am I gonna do without him. I know it will be fine, and I will love and see him on a regular basis (thank goodness he works in Cola a lot!) but it's definitely going to be different. I don't know what I'll do without someone reminding me to be aware of my surroundings every day, or to text me SA (which stands for situational awareness in case you're wondering… Tyler family lingo). Thanks for always reminding me to be myself and no one else. The Tyler Family Motto is to "Run Your Own Race" and really that's all because you remind me and Aus of that everyday.
So to my daddy, pops, padre, father dearest, whatever I choose to call you thank you for being you and for loving me and Aus. You're pretty awesome.
#1. Last Saturday was a birthday for a pretty special guy in my life. Dad! He turned 52. I could probably write 12 pages on how much I love and appreciate him, but it wouldn't be enough. He is my dear dear padre and I am incredibly thankful for everything he does for me. Seriously. Who else lets their daughter take their iPhone for two days when hers wasn't working so she could get everything organized for Mr. West Florence? My dad did. Who else has managed to make every Christmas, birthday, holiday special? Dad. Who works their tail off so me and Austin can live a pretty amazing life? That would be my pops. As we like to tell him, he is often the Judge and the Jury (we use a lot of court references in our home) which means that he is the only one, the good cop and bad cop. I know it hasn't been easy raising me and Austin by himself (with lots of help from others), but he has done a pretty good job if I say so myself. I've had lots of people ask me what he is going to do without me next year, and that's a good question. But the real question popping in my head is what am I gonna do without him. I know it will be fine, and I will love and see him on a regular basis (thank goodness he works in Cola a lot!) but it's definitely going to be different. I don't know what I'll do without someone reminding me to be aware of my surroundings every day, or to text me SA (which stands for situational awareness in case you're wondering… Tyler family lingo). Thanks for always reminding me to be myself and no one else. The Tyler Family Motto is to "Run Your Own Race" and really that's all because you remind me and Aus of that everyday.
So to my daddy, pops, padre, father dearest, whatever I choose to call you thank you for being you and for loving me and Aus. You're pretty awesome.
#2. Today, this very day, 20 years ago, my dearest oldest friend was born. As in my sweet cousin Jesslyn. And so I need to mention her because she has been there from the time I was 2 hours old to about 2 hours ago when she texted me back. No but really, she has been with me through the good, the bad, and the awkward. And by awkward I really mean from about 5th grade to 10th. And she still loves me and worries about me and is so amazingly sweet to me. So to you Jesslyn, HAPPY BIRTHDAY. You are a whole 20 years old and I can't believe it. I am incredibly thankful for you, and your cupcake icing skills, and your shopping talents, and your originality and everything else. You make my heart so happy. Lana loves you so much.
#3. Okay back to Christmas. About two months ago, it hit me that I really wanted to decorate East Florence Mission for Christmas. And I put out a Facebook status. A few weeks later I posted another one, my dad shared it.
And wow.
We had so many sweet families donate items. Random stuff. And it came together, and it looked absolutely gorgeous. I very may well cry while typing this. I had some very sweet friends (Abbey, Anna, and Mattie) who donated 2 hours of their time to help me decorate and they and their creativeness added so much.
I wish I took a video of the kids when they came through the door that Tuesday after we decorated. They were so excited. It's hard to imagine what most of their houses are like, but to put it in perspective I had 4 little girls tell me they have never had a tree in their house. FOUR. And I know there are way more. I have 3 trees (1 big 2 small) in my house right now. And I've had at least one tree in my house every year since I was born. They were amazed at how pretty it looked. I was so thankful to God to be able to provide something for them. I wish I could take a tree to each of their houses. I let them help decorate one last tree in my room. They were SO EXCITED to hang ornaments. Boys and girls. It hit me so much, just how much I love them. Their joy and excitement at hanging an ornament on a 4 foot tall tree.
For many of them, they don't receive much for Christmas. Let me put it in perspective. Last week, one little girl told me she didn't like Santa Claus. While I do try to keep the focus on Jesus as the reason for the season, I was really curious as to why she said that. So I asked her why. Well I wasn't prepared for the answer. "Because last year he brought me two toothbrushes."
Two toothbrushes.
no toys. no clothes. two toothbrushes.
Many of these children get toys from school, or their parents are able to figure out a way to get some to them. But for a few.. nothing. At EFM we do our best. Our rule is that if you come to Biblestudy on Tuesdays for the whole semester and only miss 3 weeks, then you get to participate in Christmas. It's without a doubt my favorite Tuesday night of the year. We sing Christmas carols, they get cookies, we do a craft, read the Christmas story and then they each get a present. It's the same thing for the age group, different for boys and girl..
But you wanna see some thankful kids? You come there next Tuesday. It never fails to make me tear up. They are so excited. For one present. One present we bought at Roses or Walmart. But to many of them that's about it for the holiday.
Let that sink in.
Yeah. These kids are some of the poorest in Florence. But their love and their spirit is incredible. They humble me. Especially during this season every year. They hug you, they run around, they can't wait to open their gifts.
Those hugs are the sweetest ones. They have so much joy in their hearts. And it overflows and it touches me every year and I just wish that everyone who reads it could experience that.
I just love those 25 kids so much. So so so much. They mean so much to me.
So while I hope you are all thankful this year, that's not what I want to tell you all.
I want to tell you all that no matter what, I hope you are able to experience the true joy of Christmas.
That you get to experience the love that I get to experience each week when I when my kids stop to hug me or tell me something about their day.
I don't even know what I'm trying to say. I hope that maybe this speaks to someone.
Pray for us next week as we give out gifts to these kids. As we love on them for the last time of 2014. They're some special kiddos.
Here's a picture I forced them into last week.
They're smiling and not looking. But they are so special. I love them so much. SO so much.
Some of my sweet girls. Oh I love them.
So with that, I'll go do whatever it is I should probably be doing. Thanks for reading.
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