I want this post to mainly be about Mr. West Florence, and it will be. But first I need to mention something pretty important.
I came home from the fall retreat on Sunday. And dad was there with an envelope. But not just any envelope. THE envelope. As in. Yes. This girl is OFFICIALLY attending the University of South Carolina next year.
Okay so back to the reason for this post. MR. WEST FLORENCE 2014. It's over so now I blog about it without having to worry.
Basically, Mr. WF is a pageant (aka contest as Coach Nelson likes it to be called) for boys. And every team and club at WF chooses a boy to represent them, from the golf team to the cheerleading squad to the Spanish club. We had 34 contestants this year, our largest number ever. I should also mention that this has been going on for a very long time. Like the 80's. It is a huge tradition at West, and one that everyone looks forward to. It's hilarious and fun. And while the boys say they don't take it seriously, I'm pretty convinced they do. But it's great to watch. It consists of several parts, including interview, causal wear, formal wear, top 5 answering questions and then the winners. Now you may begin to wonder why in the world I am going into all this detail about a boys contest (pageant). Well. Mr. West Florence is put on by the West Florence Tennis Club. And yours truly is the President of the West Florence Tennis Club. Which meant my month of November was absolute craziness. There was a whole long checklist of things for the officers to do. And believe me when I say my officers are AMAZING. They were/are wonderful. But I still had a lot Coach Nelson wanted me to do and a lot I wanted to do. I should also mention the tradition of the Senior Girls Dance. No clue when that was started, but its become an annual tradition at the beginning of Mr. WF to have some of the senior girls put on a choreographed dance. Which means several practices, sweet girls who figured the dance out, and all the amazing dancers who ended up putting on the dance. Myself included. I haven't danced since 6th grade but it was really fun and I loved the way it turned out. Actually I loved the way the whole show turned out. If you had to deal with me that week, I apologize. I was probably rude but know it wasn't because of you it was because I was super stressed. A lot of this was on me and I wanted it to reflect nicely on me. And I really was very proud. Also, let me tell you about the day of Mr. West Florence. I was at school at 8:30, went to Coach Nelson after my 1st block, did more tickets and folding. Ran to target, grabbed some lunch (and by lunch I mean this really cute mini veggie tray that's for like one person), came back to West sold tickets at all 4 lunches, picked up the little girl I always pick up, dropped her off at dance at 3:30, went back to West and conducted practice for the night with the boys and Ann Collins (my amazing wonderful VP), ran through the senior girls dance on stage with the girls, drove home with AC and did my hair and put on makeup and was back to school by 6:20 and then managed to get the show started on time. I think this is the point of this post where I should start to post pictures and stop typing words. Okay.. pictures.. go.
The only picture I have before Mr. West Florence with Ashton who so sweetly did the music for the Senior Girl's Dance and did some of the choreography and was in the dance.
Well this was my "pod". Bailey, Abbey, Me (in the dark blue) and Kaycee.
Only picture I have of me in the dance. It was really fun.
And then the second part of the evening. Another tradition of Mr. WF is that the President and VP (if they are both girls) escort the contestants on stage. This was my second year of escorting and it's fun to do, the boys are so sweet and they all look so nice. And me and AC even got to wear these fun outfits. And by fun I mean.. look for yourself. All in the name of tradition.
Yes. Like a tuxedo shirt with a cummerbund and bow tie and cufflinks. And a pencil skirt and black heels. Fitting outfit since we're escorting the boys, right?
I escorted the even numbered contestants 2-34. And I did enjoy every minute of it.
THIS GIRL. She is not only my VP but also my person who tells me to calm down when I'm stressing and the one who listens to my irrational fears and tells me to get over them, and who reassures me that it is all gonna work out to be great. And she did so many of those things and much more the week of
Mr. WF. Love love love love her.
Maybe not our best picture, but Pres and VP with our sponsor. Love Coach Nelson.
The escorts with our three winners. Congrats boys! Tyriek on left won Mr. Legs (part of causal wear.. hilarious), Mason on the far right won 1st runner up, and Andrew in the middle won both Best Dressed and the title of Mr. West Florence! He did an awesome job.
After the show, notice the feet with no heels, with two of my best friends who were awesome and did so much for me this week.
Oh this sweet girl too. Love her an incredible amount.
I was so proud of Mark! He did a great job, and I loved that I got to escort him our senior year. Friends since freshman year.
This picture makes me laugh every time I see it. Right after the show. Major relief. It went so well.
To the contestants: Y'all were awesome thank you for providing everyone with an awesome evening of entertainment.
To my senior girls: Ashton, Amanda, Abbey, Hailey, Mattie, Grayce, India, Kiaundra, Lauren, Elizabeth, Bailey, Kaycee, and Kendall.. THANK YOU! Y'all were amazing and awesome and I am so proud of every one of you.
To my officers: Ann Collins, Bailey, Mattie, Katie, Lauren, Amanda, Anna, Hailey, Abbey, and even Benjamin (although you were a contestant) Y'ALL ARE AMAZING AND SPECTACULAR AND I AM SO THANKFUL FOR ALL OF YOU. This show wouldn't have happened without y'all. I am so proud of all the work y'all did, together and individually to put this on and I love all of y'all.
And to my father (and austin) who put up with me that week: I love you both thanks for letting me freak out.
Coach Nelson: it's over.
And believe me when I say I did a lot of praying and a lot of praying and a lot of praying and God came through and helped me and I am just so thankful that He loves me and is watching out for me.
Okay. I updated. Blogging world: I am back. Also, I'm going to college!!!
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