A non-political letter to.. well.. everyone

Over the past weeks, months, even years, bloggers all over our country have posted their thoughts on politics, shared their opinions, and tried to make people see their views.

I don't strive to be like those bloggers though.
It's why I have strayed away from saying much on the election.
And even now, I hope you will read the following post in a non-political manner. Because that is the way it was written. It is not meant to call anyone out, or to agree or disagree with one side or the other. It's just a 19 year old sharing some thoughts on the world around her.

A letter to the Republican, Democrat, Bi-Partisan, Independent, Non-voter, the too-young-to-vote voter, to the people, by the people, for the people:

Now that I have hopefully addressed all of you, let's begin.

I think it's fair to say that history has been made in the past week.

Whether you believe in any of it, all of it, some of it, or none of it, it is safe to say that this year's Presidential election and following women's marches will be written in history books.. my children one day will read of them, and their children, and their children's children.

And while there are four years until the next election, we all know it's more like a year and a half until things begin ramping up again for 2020.

What a crazy concept.

But do you know what else is a crazy concept?
All that can be done in four years.

No, not by the government in DC.

Let's look at a few examples.

In 2015, the Red Cross collected 5.1 MILLION units of blood from people who donated.
Times that by four.
In four years, the Red Cross could collect 20.4 MILLION units of blood, to help those in need.

In 2015, the Make-A-Wish Foundation granted 14,800 wishes to children suffering from a life-threatening condition.
Times that by four.
In four years, Make-A-Wish could grant 59,200 wishes, to those children.

In 2013, Habitat for Humanity built 100,000 homes for families in need.
Times that by four.
In four years, Habitat for Humanity could build 400,000 houses.

Four years from now, I will hopefully be graduated from college, with a job of some kind.
I will be 23. My brother will be a junior in college. I will probably have an updated iPhone.
Maybe I'll have a flying car. (Probably not but dreams are nice right?)

So much can happen in four years.
And yes, I am sure that a lot of change will happen in the government in four years, whether you are excited for the change or dreading the change.

But do you know what all those charities that I listed above have in common?

The Red Cross does not collect blood from the government.
Make-A-Wish does not receive airline miles from the government to send children on wishes.
Habitat for Humanity does not call up to the Capitol building and get 100 employees to come build a house.

I am sure there are government employees that donate blood, that donate airline miles, or that help build a house.
But those are people.

People are what keep those charities going.
People are who we call when we need to talk about something.
People are who bring the casseroles when someone is sick.

We the people have such an opportunity in the next four years.
We always have this opportunity. The chance to help those who are in need of it.
But we all get caught up in ourselves, in our own opinions and we all forget that 
people have to help people. 
We forget that we can have such an incredible impact.

I know government policies can play a large role in nonprofits or in keeping our planet green or whatever issues you deeply care about, but I just want to say that in my (short) lifetime..

I have never seen the government from DC come referee a basketball game at EFM.
Or deliver popsicles to our summer camp kids this past summer.
Or deliver scarves to the homeless in Florence.

That is done by the people. For the people.

Some of you are in utter despair over the last week's events (I've seen your Facebook posts), and some of you are thrilled by our new government (I've seen your Facebook posts too), but whatever your feelings on the subject are, I hope you realize that YOU can make such an incredible difference in four years. 
In one day honestly.

Go volunteer. Go give blood. Donate money to a cause you believe in. Go do something.

For goodness sakes, just smile at someone today and compliment them on their shoes. It's a great start.

Friends, don't let four years pass without doing anything, and then blame someone else for not doing what you could have done.

We all have the chance to make an impact. No matter what your feelings are on the past week, I encourage you take the next four years and help someone else.

Imagine what our world could be like in four years if we all helped each other out a little more.

That's all.

Enjoy this picture of my kids that makes me laugh for many different reasons when I see it.



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