
Showing posts from January, 2017

A non-political letter to.. well.. everyone

Over the past weeks, months, even years, bloggers all over our country have posted their thoughts on politics, shared their opinions, and tried to make people see their views. I don't strive to be like those bloggers though. It's why I have strayed away from saying much on the election. And even now, I hope you will read the following post in a non-political manner. Because that is the way it was written. It is not meant to call anyone out, or to agree or disagree with one side or the other. It's just a 19 year old sharing some thoughts on the world around her. A letter to the Republican, Democrat, Bi-Partisan, Independent, Non-voter, the too-young-to-vote voter, to the people, by the people, for the people: Now that I have hopefully addressed all of you, let's begin. I think it's fair to say that history has been made in the past week. Whether you believe in any of it, all of it, some of it, or none of it, it is safe to say that this year's Preside...

Beautiful Things out of Dust

I wish I knew a better way to start this post, but I really don't. I can say, though, that I am so thankful, yet again, for this blog because I am allowed the opportunity to write about things I would have trouble speaking about in person. Basically, I had really great plans for this summer. I know, I know. You're probably thinking summer plans? It's January? But in the crazy college world, you start planning your falls in the spring, your springs in the fall, and your summers in November. And my plan for this upcoming summer was a job that, in my eyes, was the best thing possible. I figured out details, planned ways to make it happen.. basically I put a lot of effort into it. Only to have it snatched from my fingertips. Because it turns out that their plans have changed. And thus my plans change as well. And if we're being honest here, as I prefer to be on my blog, I am very sad. Because once again, my plans don't compare to God's. And tha...

Hope: The bright light in the midst of darkness

Happy New Year everyone. I'm sitting in my favorite Florence-writing-place drinking coffee and writing some thoughts in my notebook. Contemplating on what I want to talk about in this new year here on my blog. And really, I don't want to change anything. This blog was designed for me to share whatever the Lord wants me to share. And I'm planning for that to stay the same in 2017. And while deciding what post to be my first here on His purpose, not my plans, I felt led to share a question and answer I gave to someone last week. This wasn't the first time I have been asked this question, nor will be the last. And that's okay. It was right after I had shared a condensed version of my story, that I had lost my mom at the age of 10, that I loved serving the Lord by working with kids in Florence and in Clarkston, that I was an avid blogger and that while I have no idea where the Lord will take me in the future, I am confident that it will be good. And then, THE q...