East Florence Mission: MY Christmas List

Hey y'all.

Thanks for reading and sharing and loving on me after my last post. It truly was from the heart.
I am so thankful for everyone's support. Seriously.

Once again, I'm procrastinating. This is definitely becoming a theme. This time, I should be reading a book for my European History course, but if you know me, you know I will have it done pretty fast.

It's Tuesday.
And if I was in Florence right now, I'd be heading to East Florence Mission to hang with my kids.
I'm in Columbia.
But my heart's in Florence. Where it pretty much is every Tuesday around this time.

But this post isn't about me. This post is about them.

They, we, I, have a need.

If you read my blog last year around this time, you probably remember reading about my Christmas at EFM. It's an annual event. And it's pretty spectacular.

Every child who has faithfully attended Bible study (only missing up to three times), receives a Christmas present. For the younger girls it's usually some type of doll or similar item, for the little boy a basketball or football, something similar. For the big kids (ages 10-18) we get a $45 gift card to Walmart, and take them that "Christmas Night" for them to pick out a special gift.

For many of these children this is one of the very few presents they receive over the Christmas season.

If you read last years Christmas blog post, you may remember the story of the tooth brushes.
Last year, one little girl in my class got two toothbrushes for Christmas.
That's it.
Two toothbrushes.

We try so hard to give each child a present. Normally, churches or groups of people donate money dedicated to Christmas presents.

But this year, the money just hasn't come in yet.

I am trusting that God will provide. In fact, I know that He is going to do a great work out of this.

The family who runs the Mission is trying to figure it out.

I may be 74 miles away, but I am determined to help them.

And I am desperately asking for your help too.

There are four things that I am asking. My Christmas list, so to say.

1. PRAYER. This is the biggest need. Please pray. Pray for hearts to be opened. Pray for funds to come in. Pray for more volunteers to come in. Pray for East Florence Mission and the staff. For the kids.

2. DECORATING VOLUNTEERS. Once again, I am decorating the Mission for Christmas. There were so many awesome decorations donated last year, that will definitely be used again this year. But  I need help setting it all up. I am specifically looking for teenage girls. I have recruited a few of my friends, but if you need service hours or want to help by decorating a tree LET ME KNOW. We will be decorating the day after Thanksgiving, that Friday afternoon.

3. GIVE. This by far is the most concerning. There is a need for $1300 for Christmas gifts this year. There has been a Go-Fund-Me page set up, and I am praying that the Lord will lay it on people's hearts to give. Many of these children have next to nothing. Please help us provide a present for them this Christmas season.

4. SHARE. Let others know about EFM and what we do. Let them know of our needs. Feel free to share my blog, share the Go Fund Me Page. Share about the love of Jesus, and how awesome He has been to us.

If you have read any of my blogs about these kids, you know how important they are to me. (And if you haven't, go read them).

These sweet children stole my heart over four years ago, and just because I moved to college doesn't mean they gave it back.

I know without a doubt that God is going to absolutely blow me away with how this will all work out.

And I am once again reminded, not my plans, but His purpose.

Please message me, email me, call me, if you have questions or ideas.

Thanks for reading.

Here's the link for the Go-Fund-Me page:


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