West Flo Graduation (aka WE DID IT)

Helllloooo blogging world. I'm back.

It's been quite the month, let me tell you.
So much so that it'll probably take me more than one blog post.

One thing at a time.

A month ago today exactly, I graduated high school.
Me. Little Alana Tyler. Graduated high school.

Now, I'll be honest. Some days.. I never thought graduation would get here. It felt like forever away.
And yet, before I knew it.. BAM it was here.

And now I'm an official West Florence High School Alumni.

Also, yes, everyone who told me that "it will fly by!" and "it'll be here before you know it!"… You were right.

Senior year flew by. Straight over my head. It was full of long days and fun nights, football games and tennis matches, and lots of memories. I can't believe it's over.

But really, I can't believe I'm done with school. I mean college, yes that's definitely for sure school for the next four years. But elementary, middle, high.. it's all complete.

And I'm so thankful.
I couldn't be happier with how it turned out. Everything.

Four years ago, dad and I decided to "make the move" and go from private school to public school.
Needless to say, I was absolutely terrified. Excited, but terrified.
Florence Christian, where I went from 4k-8th grade gave me an absolutely wonderful foundation. I knew that academically I was prepared.
But I mean, that really wasn't gonna help me make friends.

But here I am. With some absolutely amazing friends. The best out there, in my opinion.
And we did it together. We made it through four years of high school.

And then I have some other important people. These ladies featured below are my sweet church friends who I couldn't have made it through without. With the exception of Tait, our wonderful church youth intern (more like super lady), I have watched all three of them graduate high school and go onto having great college lives. And so I'm thankful for their support and wise words and encouragement. And I can't wait to join them in the college world. 

And then these two. My main people. The ones who have put up with my late night studying, and then dealt with me the next morning. Who have helped me find my keys/phone/book that I have lost and that has absolutely disappeared with no hope of resurfacing.. only to be found on my bed. These two have eaten every meal (even the creative ones) I've cooked over the last few years. And they've loved me through it. And they're definitely the two I will miss most next year. 

And then let me share these photos because I just love them and the people in them.
This is Coach Nelson, sponsor of Tennis Club, and he asked for this selfie at graduation.

My sweet Jesslyn.

My friend Benjamin who'll be taking on USC with me in the fall. 
Also I feel like this picture is pretty accurate of us.

And then these two sweethearts, Ann Collins and Anna, who are going to be seniors this year.
And who I will dearly miss.
And look forward to visits from.
And maybe I can convince at least one to go to USC.

With all those being shared… 
The past four years have been incredibly awesome. I am so thankful for my experience at West, and I wouldn't change it for anything. For me, public school was such a beneficial thing. I feel confident heading to USC, and I know that I can handle whatever is thrown at me. 
I am so proud to be a West Florence graduate.

And I'm excited to be moving on to college.
Thanks for everything West Flo, I'm out.


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