West Flo Graduation (aka WE DID IT)

Helllloooo blogging world. I'm back. It's been quite the month, let me tell you. So much so that it'll probably take me more than one blog post. One thing at a time. A month ago today exactly, I graduated high school. Me. Little Alana Tyler. Graduated high school. Now, I'll be honest. Some days.. I never thought graduation would get here. It felt like forever away. And yet, before I knew it.. BAM it was here. And now I'm an official West Florence High School Alumni. Also, yes, everyone who told me that "it will fly by!" and "it'll be here before you know it!"… You were right. Senior year flew by. Straight over my head. It was full of long days and fun nights, football games and tennis matches, and lots of memories. I can't believe it's over. But really, I can't believe I'm done with school. I mean college, yes that's definitely for sure school for the next four years. But elementary, middle, high.. it...