
Showing posts from June, 2015

Heavy Heart.

My heart is heavy. And so when my heart is heavy, all I want to do is write. So here I am. I'm not trying to cause any form of controversy or anything, I just want to say what I want to say. And where else to say it but on my own blog. There was this awful shooting last night in Florence. A guy who just graduated with me from West Florence a few weeks ago was killed. It's weird to know someone who was involved in something like this. The young man who died? It's not him that I knew actually. I had heard of his name before, but I've never met him or been around him. No, I know the young man who they just arrested for his murder. Bet you didn't see that coming, did you? I know this kid through EFM of all places. He's 17, the same age as me. He was kicked out of South for fighting, and sent to Rush. He did some community service hours as EFM. He helped me countless times in my classroom, setting up tables and chairs, cleaning windows, taking out t...