Not my plans.. Again..
Do you ever just think to yourself, "My God is amazing."? Because this week I've thought that about 40 times. Okay, actually more like 9 or 10. But still.
And you know what?
I wasn't mentioned. For anything. I didn't win anything. And it was not fun. I didn't like it. At all.
And then I read the bio of the girl who won state nominee.
And I thought to myself, how in the world can I even be upset about not getting anything?
The girl who won clearly, most definitely, deserved it. If I tried to explain her story I wouldn't do it justice, so if you're interested, go look up the winners. To make it short, she suffered from cancer that left her blind, and now does some amazing work to help kids with cancer.
Like how in the world could I be upset about that? Because I felt like I wasn't begin recognized?
And I realized about two hours later that I was being absolutely ridiculous for feeling upset because I wasn't mentioned.
Especially because I realized that every week I get my own recognition, by 25 of the best kids in the world. They love "Miss Alana" and I love them and that's all the recognition I need.
And even though I placated myself with that, God went a step further. He worked through other people.
This has been one of the most encouraging weeks I have ever had.
I have had so many people tell me that they read my blog, they share my blog, they are so proud of me.. It makes me want to cry just typing this. Seriously. Knowing that others are reading my words.. that they are understanding what I am saying is such an incredible feeling for me.
The fact that God didn't want me to win that scholarship was hard for me to grasp. Why? But you know what? God's plan is bigger than me. I'm just a piece of this huge world puzzle. I'm not sure if the girl who won is a Christian, but I know that God's plan for her included this scholarship.
And God used this to teach me, to remind me yet again, that even when I think that He has let me down..
He hasn't.
So if you said something encouraging to me this week, or if you prayed for me, thanks. Really. I am thanking you. It was needed, and God used it at just the right time.
It's amazing to me when I look back to last year, and the year before and think about how much has changed since then. It's even more amazing to me to realize how grateful I am for the changes.
God's also doing some other cool things in my life. I want to speak about them, but I'm just gonna wait until they're a bit more finalized. Just know that God is good. All the time.
In other news, I have also been reminded this week that graduation is less than four months away.
It's becoming real now. Senior night for basketball/cheerleaders was Thursday. More than likely, it was the last time I'll ever be in a student section at West Florence like that. It goes by so fast.
Also, I have some absolutely amazing friends. They are truly lovely.
Anna-Me-Abbey: Thanks for sitting with me at every game ladies . Y'all are two of my favorite parts of the student section. |
Four year friendship. |
Possibly the last "cheerleader and fans" six picture. Too sentimental. Love y'all. |
I spent Valentine's night with two of my favorites. We naturally took no pictures together, but Abbey and Anna, y'all were perfect dates. I wouldn't have wanted to be with anybody else. Love you girls.
To wrap this up, I'll just say this.
My verse for this blog is Proverbs 19:21: "Many are the plans in a man's heart, but it is the Lord's purpose that prevails."
And that's it.
His purpose, not my plans.
I'm not so eager to give up my plans. But I'm so excited to see what His purpose is for me.
Thanks for reading. God is good.
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