MISSING: Carolina Defense
To everyone who read my post about EFM... THANK YOU. I have had two people let me know that they are interested, and many many people tell me they are praying for us. I am SO encouraged. However, I am still looking for more people. Adults, teenagers, anyone can help. Please pray about serving at EFM. With all that being said, it has been a busy few days!! Wednesday came and went with the annual "Picnic on Park" at church and then dinner with tait afterwards. Thursday was busy as well. We headed up to USC about 3:20 and made it by 4:40 which was crazy good since traffic is normally so bad. Even though we had an absolutely horrible outcome at the game.. Probably one of the worst I've ever seen.. I still was REUNITED with one of my best friends and I am soo glad I got to sit with her. On that note, it was so good to see her and hang with her. Also, not really sure why my sunglasses look red in this picture. Speaking of sunglasses, mine were sadly broken on Thursday ...