Dear Mom, on year nine without you.

Dear Mom, I've written this letter to you a hundred times over the last few months. I changed and edited. I added words and cut out paragraphs. I debated whether or not I should share it with the world or keep it to myself. Let's just say it was a heavily thought out blog post. But, in the end, I decided that I can't let this week go by without saying something. Something to remember you. Something to remind everyone that you lived so fully, that you loved so generously. That you were such a light in the world. So mom, this week, on Friday, will make for year number nine without you. In some ways it feels like yesterday that you left. There are memories from that day, from that week of my ten year old life that I will never forget. Trying desperately to be grown up, to talk to whoever was at our house, to be fine, to not cry. And melting down, alone, in my bathroom because I realized that no one reminded me that I needed to wash my hair that night, I suddenly ha...